Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tres.pass \'tres-p*s, -.pas\ n [ME trespas, fr. OF, crossing, trespass, 
   fr. trespasser to go acros]s 1a: a violation of moral or social ethics : 
   TRANSGRESSION; espX : SIN 1b: an unwarranted infringement  2a1: an unlawful 
   act committed on the person, property, or rights of anothe r 2a2: the 
   action for injuries done by such an act  2b: the tort of wrongful entry on 
   real property 
2. trespass \same; -.pas more often than for 1\ vi [ME trespassen, fr. MF 
   trespasser, fr. OF, lit., to go across, fr.]tres across (fr. L trans) + 
   passer to pass - more at THROUGH, PASS 1a: ERR, SIN  1b: to make an 
   unwarranted or uninvited incursion  2: to commit a trespass; esp : to enter 
   unlawfully upon the land o f anotherSPASS implies an unwarranted, unlawful, 
   or offensive intrusion; ENCROACH suggests gradual or stealthy entrance upon 
   another's territory or usurpation of his rights or possessions; ENTRENCH 
   suggests establishing and maintaining oneself in a position of advantage or 
   profit at the expense of others; INFRINGE implies an encroachment clearly 
   violating a right or prerogative; INVADE implies a hostile and injurious 
   entry into the territory or sphere of another - tres.pass.er n SYN syn