Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. wraparound            
1. wrap \'rap\ vb or wrapped;  or wrap.ping [ME wrappen] 1a: to cover esp. 
   by winding or folding  1b: to envelop and secure for transportation or 
   storage : BUNDLE  1c: ENFOLD, EMBRACE  1d: to coil, fold, draw, or twine 
   about something  2a: SURROUND, ENVELOP  2b: SUFFUSE  2c: to involve 
   completely : ENGROSS  3a: to conceal or obscure as if by enveloping or 
   enfolding  3b: VEIL  4: to enclose as if with a protective covering  1: to 
   wind, coil, or twine so as to encircle or cover something  2: to put on 
   clothing : DRESS - usu. used with up  3: to be subject to covering, 
   enclosing, or packaging - usu. used with (Xup
2. wrap n 1a: WRAPPER, WRAPPING  1b: an article of clothing that may be 
   wrapped round a person; esp :: an outer garment (as a coat or shawl) 1c: 
   BLANKET  1d: a 4-page insert folded around text leaves of a book and sewed 
   in  2: a single turn or convolution of something wound round an object  pl