Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. ascend                
1. mount \'mau:nt\ n [ME, fr. OE munt & OF mont, fr. L mont-, mons; akin 
   to]ON moena to project, L minari to prject, threaten 1: a high hill : 
   MOUNTAIN - used esp. before its name {Mount  Everest} archaic  2: a 
   protective earthwork  3: MOUND  cap  4: a small area of raised flesh on the 
   palm of the hand esp. at the base of  a finger that is held by palmists to 
   indicate temperament or traits of character
2. mount vb [ME mounten, fr. MF monter, fr. (assumed) VL montare, fr. L 
   (Xmont-, mons 1: to increase in amount or extent  2: RISE, ASCEND  3: to 
   get up on something above the level of the ground; esp : to  seat oneself 
   (as on a horse) for riding 1a: to go up : CLIMB  1b1: to seat or place 
   oneself on  1b2: COVER  2a: to lift up : RAISE  2b1: to put or have (as 
   artillery) in position  2b2: to have as equipment  3: to set on something 
   that elevates  4a: to cause to get on a means of conveyance  4b: to furnish 
   with animals for riding  5: to post or set up for defense or observation  
   6a: to attach to a support  6b: to arrange or assemble for use or display  
   7a: to prepare and supply with the materials necessary for performance or  
   execution - mount.er n
3. mount \'mau.nt-*-b*l\ n 1: an act or instance of mounting; specif : an 
   opportunity to ride  a horse in a race 2: FRAME, SUPPORT : as  2a: the 
   cardboard or similar material on which a picture is mounted  2b: a jewelry 
   setting  2c: an undercarriage or part that fits a device for use or 
   attaches an acce ssory 2d: a hinge, card, or acetate envelope for mounting 
   a stamp  2e: a glass slide with its accessories on which objects are placed 
   for exam ination with a microscope 3: a means of conveyance; specif : 
   SADDLE HORSE  - mount.able aj