Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bub.ble \'b*b-*l\ \'b*b-(*-)lin\ vb or bub.bling [ME bublen] 1: to form 
   or produce bubbles  2: to flow out with a gurgling sound suggesting the 
   forming and rising of  bubbles 3: to seem to give off bubbles : EFFERVESCE  
   1: to utter (as words) effervescently  2a: to cause to bubble  2b: BURP 
2. bubble n often attrib  1: a small globule typically hollow and light : 
   as  1a: a small body of gas within a liquid  1b: a thin film of liquid 
   inflated with air or gas  1c: a globule in a transparent solid  2a: 
   something that lacks firmness, solidity, or reality  2b: a delusive scheme  
   3: a sound like that of bubbling