1. lap \'lap\ n [ME lappe, fr. OE lppa; akin to OHG lappa flap, L
Xlabi to slide - more at SLEEP 1a: a loose panel or hanging flap esp. of a
garment archaic 1b: the skirt of a coat or dress 2a1: the clothing that
lies on the knees, thighs, and lower part of the tru nk when one sits 2a2:
the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person 2b: an
environment of nurture {the ~ of luxury} 3: CHARGE, CONTROL {in the ~ of
the gods}
2. lap vb or lapped; or 1a: to fold over or around something :
WIND 1b: to envelop entirely : SWATHE 2: to fold over esp. into layers
3: to hold protectively in or as if in the lap : CUDDLE 4a: to place over
or next to so as to partially or wholly cover : OVE RLAP 4b: to unite (as
beams or timbers) so as to preserve the same breadth and depth throughout
5a: to smooth or polish to a high degree of refinement or accuracy 5b: to
work two surfaces together with or without abrasives until a very c lose
fit is produced 6a: to lead (an opponent) by one or more circuits of a
racecourse 6b: to complete the circuit of (a racecourse) 1: FOLD, WIND
2a: to project beyond or spread over 2b: to lie partly over or alongside
of something or of one another 3: to traverse a course - lap.per n
3. lap n often attrib 1a: the amount by which one object overlaps or
projects beyond another 1b: the part of an object that overlaps another
2: a smoothing and polishing tool usu. comprising a piece of wood, leather,
felt, or soft metal used with or without an embedded abrasive 3: a
doubling or layering of a flexible substance (as fibers or paper) 4a: one
circuit around a racecourse 4b: one segment of a larger unit (as a
journey) 4c: one complete turn
4. lap vb [ME lapen, fr. OE lapian; akin to OHG laffan to lick, L la]mbere,
Gk laphyssein to devour 1: to take in food or drink with the tongue 2a: to
make a gentle intermittent splashing sound 2b: to move in little waves :
WASH 1: to take in (food or drink) with the tongue 2: to flow or splash
against in little waves - lap.per n
5. lap n 1a: an act or instance of lapping 1b: the amount that can be
carried to the mouth by one lick or scoop of the tongue 2: a thin or weak
beverage or food 3: a gentle splashing sound