Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.lay \'re--.la-\ n 1a: a supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for 
   successive relief  1b: a number of men who relieve others in some work  2a: 
   a race between teams in which each team member covers a specified porti on 
   of the course 2b: one of the divisions of a relay  3: an electromagnetic 
   device for remote or automatic control actuated by va riation in conditions 
   of an electric circuit and operating in turn other devices (as switches) in 
   the same or a different circuit 4: SERVOMOTOR  5: the act of passing along 
   by stages; also : one of such stages 
2. re.lay \'re--.la-, ri-'la-\ vt [ME relayen, fr. MF relaier, fr. OF, fr. 
   re- + laier to] leave - more at DELAY 1a: to place or dispose in relays  
   1b: to provide with relays  2: to pass along by relays  3: to control or 
   operate by a relay 
3. re.lay \(')re--'la-\ vt : to lay again