1. toll \'to-l\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to ON tollr toll; both fr. a
prehistoric WGmc-NGmc word] borrowed fr. (assumed) VL tolonium, alter. of
LL telonium customhouse, fr. Gk telo-nion, fr. telo-ne-s collector of
tolls, fr. telos tax, toll; akin to Gk tle-nai to bear 1: a tax or fee paid
for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a hi ghway or bridge) 2:
compensation for services rendered : as 2a: a charge for transportation
2b: a charge for a long-distance telephone call 3: the cost in loss or
suffering at which something is achieved
2. toll vi : to take or levy toll 1a: to exact part of as a toll 1b: to
take as toll 2: to exact a toll from (someone)
3. toll or tole \'to-l\ vt [ME tollen, tolen; akin to OE talu talk,
narrative - more a]t TALE 1: ALLURE, ENTICE 2a: to entice (game) to
approach 2b: to attract (fish) with scattered bait 2c: to lead or attract
(domestic animals) to a desired point
4. toll vb [ME tollen, perh. fr. tollen to entice] 1a: to give signal or
announcement of : SOUND 1b: to announce by tolling 1c: to call to or from
a place or occasion 2: to sound (a bell) by tolling 1: to sound with slow
measured strokes 2: to cause a bell to toll
5. toll n : the sound of a tolling bell