Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bear                  
1. bull \'bu.l\ n [ME bule, fr. OE bula; akin to OE bla-wan to blow] 1a: an 
   adult male bovine animal; also : a usu. adult male of variou s large 
   animals 1b: ELEPHANT  1c: a draft ox  2: one who buys securities or 
   commodities in expectation of a price rise or  who acts to effect such a 
   rise 3: one that resembles a bull  4: BULLDOG  slang  5: POLICEMAN, 
2. bull aj 1a: MALE  1b: of, relating to, or resembling a bull  2: large of 
   its kind  3: RISING {a ~ market} 
3. bull vi : to behave like a bull; esp : to advance forcefully  1: to try 
   to raise the price of (as stocks) or in (a market)  2: to act on with the 
   violence of a bull : FORCE 
4. bull n [ME bulle, fr. ML bulla, fr. L, bubble, amulet] 1: a solemn papal 
   letter sealed with a bulla or with a red-ink imprint of t he device on the 
   bulla 2: EDICT, DECREE 
5. bull n [perh. fr. obs. bull to mock] 1: a grotesque blunder in language  
   slang  2a: empty boastful talk  2b: NONSENSE 
6. bull vb slang  : to engage in idle often boastful talk  slang  : to fool 
   esp. by fast boastful talk