Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pike \'pi-k\ \'pi-kt\ n [ME, fr. OE pi-c pickax] 1: PIKESTAFF  2: a 
   sharp point or spike; also : the tip of a spear  - piked aj
2. pike vi [ME pyken (refl.)] 1: to leave abruptly  2: to make one's way {~ 
3. pike n [ME, perh. of Scand origin; akin to Norw dial. pi-k pointed 
   mountain] [Sp pico, fr. picar to prick - more at PICADOR] dial Eng  1: a 
   mountain or hill having a peaked summit - used esp. in place names  archaic 
    2: PEAK 
4. pike n or pike or pikes [ME, fr. 1pike] pl  1a: a large elongate 
   long-snouted voracious teleost fish (Esox lucius ) valued for food and 
   sport and widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere 1b: 
   any of various related fishes (family Esocidae) : as  1b1: MUSKELLUNGE  
   1b2: PICKEREL  2: any of various fishes resembling the pike in appearance 
   or habits 
5. pike n [MF pique, fr. piquer to prick, fr. (assumed) VL piccare, fr.] 
   piccus woodpecker, fr. L picus - more at PIE : a weapon formed of a long 
   wooden shaft with a pointed steel head and use d by the foot soldier until 
   superseded by the bayonet
6. pike vt : to pierce, kill, or wound with a pike 
7. pike n : TURNPIKE