Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ace \'a-s\ n [ME as, fr. OF, fr. L, unit, a copper coin] 1a: a die face 
   marked with one spot  1b: a playing card marked in its center with one 
   large pip  1c: a domino end marked with one spot  2: a very small amount or 
   degree : PARTICLE  3: a score won by a single stroke  4: a golf score of 
   one stroke on a hole or a hole so made  5: a combat pilot who has brought 
   down at least five enemy airplanes  6: one that excels at something 
2. ace vt 1: to score an ace against (an opponent)  2: to make (a hole in 
   golf) in one stroke 
3. ace aj : of first or high rank or quality