Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bloom \'blu:m\ n [ME blome lump of metal, fr. OE blo-ma] 1: a mass of 
   wrought iron from the forge or puddling furnace  2: a bar or iron or steel 
   hammered or rolled from an ingot 
2. bloom n [ME blome, fr. ON blo-m; akin to OE blo-wan to blossom]- more at 
   BLOW 1a1: FLOWER  1a2: flowers or amount of flowers (as of a plant)  1b: 
   the flowering state {the roses in ~}  1c: a period of flowering {the spring 
   ~}  2: a state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor  3: a surface 
   coating or appearance : as  3a: a delicate powdery coating on some fruits 
   and leaves  3b: a rosy appearance of the cheeks; broadly : an outward 
   evidence  of freshness or healthy vigor 3c: the grainy or powdery surface 
   of a newly minted coin  3d: glare caused by an object reflecting too much 
   light into a television c amera 4: BOUQUET 
3. bloom vi 1: to produce or yield flowers  2a: to flourish esp. in 
   youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence  2b: to shine out : GLOW  3: to 
   appear or occur unexpectedly or in surprising quantity or degree  obs  1: 
   to cause to bloom  2: to give bloom to