Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. border                
1. verge \'v*rj\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L virga rod, stripe - more at WHISK] 
   1a1: a rod or staff carried as an emblem of authority or symbol of office  
   obs  1a2: a stick or wand held by a person being admitted to tenancy while 
   he sw ears fealty 1b: the spindle of a watch balance; esp : a spindle with 
   pallets in  an old vertical escapement 1c: the male intromittent organ of 
   any of various invertebrates  2a: something that borders, limits, or bounds 
   : as  2a1: an outer margin of an object or structural part  obs  2a2: 
   CIRCLET, RING; also : RIM, BRIM  2a3: the edge of the tiling projecting 
   over the gable of a roof  2b: BRINK, THRESHOLD 
2. verge vi 1: to be contiguous  2: to be on the verge or border 
3. verge vi [L vergere to bend, incline - more at WRENCH] of the sun  1a: 
   to incline toward the horizon : SINK  1b: to move or extend in some 
   direction or toward some condition  2: to be in transition or change