Webster's English Dictionary

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1. butt \'b*t\ vb [ME butten, fr. OF boter, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG 
   bozan to] beat : to thrust or push head foremost : strike with the head or 
   horns  : to strike with the head or horns 
2. butt n : a blow or thrust usu. with the head or horns 
3. butt n [ME, partly fr. MF but target, end, of Gmc origin; akin to OH 
   bu-tr] log, LG butt blunt; partly fr. MF bute backstop, fr. but target 1a: 
   a mound, bank, or other backstop for catching missiles shot at a target  
   1b: TARGET  pl  1c: RANGE  1d: a blind for shooting birds  obs  2a: LIMIT, 
   BOUND  archaic  2b: GOAL  3: an object of abuse or ridicule : VICTIM 
4. butt vb [partly fr. 3butt, partly fr. 5butt] : ABUT  1a: to place end to 
   end without overlapping  1b: to join along the edges  2: to trim or square 
   off at the end 
5. butt n [ME; prob. akin to ME buttok buttock, LG butt blunt, OHG bo-z]an 
   to beat 1a: the large or thicker end of something  1b: the base of a plant 
   from which the roots spring  1c: the thicker or handle end of a tool or 
   weapon  2: an unused remainder 
6. butt n [ME, fr. MF botte, fr. OProv bota, fr. LL buttis] 1: a large cask 
   esp. for wine, beer, or water  2: any of various units of liquid capacity; 
   esp : a measure equal t o 108 imperial gallons 3: the part of a hide or 
   skin corresponding to the animal's back and sides