Webster's English Dictionary

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1. la.bel \'la--b*l\ n [ME, fr. MF] archaic  1: BAND, FILLET; specif : one 
   attached to a document to  hold an appended seal 2a: a slip (as of paper or 
   cloth) inscribed and affixed to something for id entification or 
   description 2b: written or printed matter accompanying an article to 
   furnish identifica tion or other information 2c: a descriptive or 
   identifying word or phrase : as  2c1: EPITHET  2c2: a word or phrase used 
   with a dictionary definition to provide addition al information 3: a 
   projecting molding by the sides and over the top of an opening  4: an 
   adhesive stamp (as for postage or revenue)  5a: a brand of commercial 
   recordings issued under a usu. trademarked name  5b: a recording so issued 
2. label \'la--b(*-)lin\ \-b(*-)l*r\ vt or la.beled or la.belled;  or 
   la.bel.ing;  or la.bel.ling 1a: to affix a label to  1b: to describe or 
   designate with a label  2a: to distinguish (an element or atom) by using a 
   radioactive isotope or  an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through 
   chemical reactions 2b: to distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by 
   introducing a labeled at om - la.bel.er n