Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shuf.fle \'sh*f-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ vb or shuf.fling [perh. irreg. 
   fr. 1shove] 1: to mix in a mass confusedly : JUMBLE  2: to put or thrust 
   aside or under cover  3a: to manipulate (as a pack of cards) with the real 
   or ostensible purpose  of causing a later appearance in random 3b: to move 
   about, back and forth, or from one place to another : SHI FT 4a: to move 
   (as the feet) by sliding along or back and forth without lifti ng 4b: to 
   perform (as a dance) with a dragging, sliding step  1: to work into or out 
   of trickily : WORM  2: to act or speak in a shifty or evasive manner  3a: 
   to move or walk in a sliding, dragging manner without lifting the feet  3b: 
   to dance in a lazy nonchalant manner with sliding and tapping motions  of 
   the feet 3c: to execute in a perfunctory or clumsy manner  4: to mix 
   playing cards or counters by shuffling  - shuf.fler n
2. shuffle n 1: an evasion of the issue : EQUIVOCATION  2a: an act of 
   shuffling  2b: a right or turn to shuffle  2c: JUMBLE  3a: a dragging 
   sliding movement; specif : a sliding or scraping ste p in dancing 3b: a 
   dance characterized by such a step