Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. splendid              
1. sub.lime \s*-'bli-m\ vb [ME sublimen, fr. MF sublimer, fr. ML sublimare 
   to refine, su] [F sublimer, fr. L sublimare]blime, fr. L, to elevate, fr. 
   sublimis 1: to cause to pass from the solid to the vapor state by heating 
   and again  condense to solid form 2a1: to elevate or exalt esp. in dignity 
   or honor  2a2: to render finer (as in purity or excellence)  2b: to convert 
   (something inferior) into something of higher worth  : to pass directly 
   from the solid to the vapor state  - sub.lim.er n
2. sublime aj [L sublimis, lit., to or in a high position, fr. sub under, 
   up to +] limen threshold, lintel - more at UP, LIMB 1a: lofty, grand, or 
   exalted in thought, expression, or manner  1b: of outstanding spiritual, 
   intellectual, or moral worth  1c: inspiring awe : SOLEMN  archaic  2a: high 
   in place  obs  2b: lofty of mien : HAUGHTY  cap  2c: SUPREME - used in a 
   style of address (as to former Turkish sov ereigns) - sub.lime.ly av