Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ren.der \'ren-d*r\ \-d(*-)rin\ \-d(*-)r*-b*l\ \-d*r-*r\ vb or 
   ren.der.ing [ME rendren, fr. MF rendre to give back, yield, fr. (assumed) 
   VL Xrendere, alter. of L reddere, partly fr. re- + dare to give & partly 
   fr. re- + -dere to put - more at DATE, DO 1a: to melt down : TRY  1b: to 
   treat so as to convert into industrial fats and oils or fertilizer  2a: to 
   transmit to another : DELIVER  2b: to give up : YIELD  2c: to furnish for 
   consideration, approval, or information : as  2c1: to hand down (a legal 
   judgment)  2c2: to agree upon and report (a verdict)  3a: to give in return 
   or retribution  3b1: to give back : RESTORE  3b2: REFLECT, ECHO  3c: to 
   give in acknowledgment of dependence or obligation : PAY) M  3d: to do (a 
   service) for another  4a1: to cause to be or become : MAKE  4a2: IMPART  
   4b1: to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means : DEPICTM 4b2: 
   to give a performance of  4b3: to produce a copy or version of  4b4: to 
   execute the motions of {~ a salute}  4c: TRANSLATE  5: to direct the 
   execution of : ADMINISTER {~ justice}  6: to apply a coat of plaster or 
   cement directly to  : to give recompense  - ren.der.able aj
2. render n : a return esp. in kind or services due from a feudal tenant to 
   his lord