Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stoop \'stu:p\ vb [ME stoupen, fr. OE stu-pian; akin to OE ste-ap 
   steep,]deep - more at STEEP 1a: to bend the body forward and downward 
   sometimes simultaneously bending  the knees 1b: to stand or walk with a 
   temporary or habitual forward inclination of t he head, body, or shoulders 
   2: YIELD, SUBMIT  3a: to descend from a superior rank, dignity, or status  
   3b: to lower oneself morally  archaic  4a: to move down from a height : 
   ALIGHT  4b: to fly or dive down swiftly usu. to attack prey  1: DEBASE, 
   DEGRADE  2: to bend (a part of the body) forward and downward s level to do 
   something. STOOP may imply a descent in dignity or from a relatively high 
   moral plane to a much lower one; CONDESCEND implies a stooping by one of 
   high rank or position to accommodate himself to intercourse with his social 
   inferiors; DEIGN suggests a reluctant condescension of one in a haughty 
   mood; CONDESCEND and DEIGN are applied chiefly in irony or mild derision 
   SYN syn STOOP, CONDESCEND, DEIGN mean to descend from one' 
2. stoop n 1a: an act of bending the body forward  1b: a temporary or 
   habitual forward bend of the back and shoulders  2: the descent of a bird 
   esp. on its prey  3: a lowering of oneself : CONDESCENSION, CONCESSION 
3. stoop n [D stoep; akin to OE stpe step - more at STEP] : a porch, 
   platform, entrance stairway, or small veranda at a house door