Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rescue                
1. save or save.able \'sa-v\ \'sa--v*-b*l\ vb [ME saven, fr. OF salver, fr. 
   LL salvare, fr. L salvus]safe - more at SAFE 1a: to deliver from sin  1b: 
   to rescue or deliver from danger or harm  1c: to preserve or guard from 
   injury, destruction, or loss  2: to put by as a store or reserve : 
   ACCUMULATE  3a: to make unnecessary : AVOID {it ~s an hour's wai ting} 3b1: 
   to keep from being lost to an opponent  3b2: to prevent an opponent from 
   scoring or winning  4: MAINTAIN, PRESERVE {~ appearances}  1: to rescue or 
   deliver someone  2a: to put by money {would rather ~ than spend}  2b: to 
   avoid unnecessary waste or expense : ECONOMIZE  3: to make a save  - 
   sava.ble aj
2. save n : a play that prevents an opponent from scoring or winning 
3. save \(.)sa-v\ pp [ME sauf, fr. OF, fr. sauf, adj., safe - more at SAFE] 
   1: with the exception of : BARRING {nothing in common ~ th eir fears} 2: 
   other than : BUT, EXCEPT {no hope ~ one} 
4. save \(.)sa-v\ cj 1: were it not : ONLY - used with that  2: BUT, EXCEPT 
   - used before a word often taken to be the su bject of a clause {no one 
   knows about it ~ she} 3: UNLESS {~ they could be plucked asunder, all my 
   quest wer e but in vain -Alfred Tennyson}