Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scut.tle \'sk*t-*l\ n [ME scutel, fr. L scutella drinking bowl, tray, 
   dim. of scutraX platter 1: a shallow open basket for carrying something (as 
   grain or garden produce ) 2: a metal pail for carrying coal 
2. scuttle n [ME skottell] 1: a small opening in a wall or roof furnished 
   with a lid : as  1a: a small opening or hatchway in the deck of a ship 
   large enough to admit  a man and with a lid for covering it 1b: a small 
   hole in the side or bottom of a ship furnished with a lid or gl azed 2: a 
   lid that closes a scuttle 
3. scuttle \'sk*t-lin, -*l-in\ vt or scut.tling : to cut a hole through the 
   bottom, deck, or sides of (a ship); specif  : to sink or attempt to sink by 
   making holes through the bottom of
4. scuttle \'sk*t-lin, -*l-in\ vi or scut.tling [prob. blend of scud and 
   shuttle] : SCURRY 
5. scuttle n 1: a quick shuffling pace : SCURRY  2: a short swift run