Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mys.tery \'mis-t(*-)re-\ n [ME mysterie, fr. L mysterium, fr. Gk 
   myste-rion, fr. (ass]umed) mystos keeping silence, fr. Gk myein to be 
   closed (of eyes or lips) 1a: a religious truth that man can know by 
   revelation alone and cannot full y understand cap  1b: a Christian 
   sacrament; specif : EUCHARIST  1c1: a secret religious rite believed (as in 
   Eleusinian and Mithraic cults)  to impart enduring bliss to the initiate 
   1c2: a cult devoted to such rites  2a: something not understood or beyond 
   understanding : ENIGMA  obs  2b: a private secret  2c: the secret or 
   specialized practices or ritual peculiar to an occupation  or a body of 
   people 2d: a piece of fiction dealing usu. with the solution of a 
   mysterious crime  3: profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or 
   character M: MYSTERY applies to what cannot be fully understood by human 
   reason or less strictly to whatever attracts curiosity and speculation but 
   resists or defies explanation; PROBLEM applies to any question or 
   difficulty calling for a solution or causing concern; ENIGMA applies to 
   utterance or behavior that is very difficult to interpret; RIDDLE suggests 
   an enigma or problem involving paradox or apparent contradiction; PUZZLE 
   applies to an enigma or problem that challenges ingenuity for its solution; 
   CONUNDRUM applies to a question whose answer involves a pun or less often 
   to a problem whose solution can only be speculative SYN syn PROBLEM, 
2. mystery n [LL misterium, mysterium, alter. of ministerium service, 
   occu]pation, fr. minister servant - more at MINISTER archaic  1: TRADE, 
   CRAFT  archaic  2: a body of persons engaged in a particular trade, 
   business, or profession  : GUILD 3: one of a class of medieval religious 
   dramas based on scriptural incident s and usu. centering in the life, 
   death, and resurrection of Christ