Cross references:
1. wink
1. blink \'blink\ vb [ME blinken to open one's eyes] obs 1a: to look
glancingly : PEEP 1b: to look with half-shut winking eyes 1c: to wink
esp. involuntarily 2: to shine dimly or intermittently 3a: to look with
too little concern 3b: to look with surprise or dismay 1a: to cause to
blink 1b: to remove (as tears) from the eye by blinking 2: to deny
recognition to
2. blink n chiefly Scot 1: GLIMPSE, GLANCE 2: GLIMMER, SPARKLE 3: an
esp. involuntary shutting and opening of the eye 4a: a whiteness about the
horizon caused by the reflection of light from ic e at sea 4b: a dark
appearance of the sky about the horizon caused by the absence of reflected
light due to open water : in or into a disabled or useless condition - on
the blink