Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wink \'wink\ vb [ME winken, fr. OE wincian; akin to OHG winchan to 
   stagger, w]ink, L vacillare to sway - more at PREVARICATE 1: to shut one 
   eye briefly as a signal or in teasing  2: to close and open the eyelids 
   quickly  3: to avoid seeing or noting something - usu. used with at  4: to 
   gleam or flash intermittently : TWINKLE  5a: to come to an end - usu. used 
   with out  5b: to stop shining - usu. used with out  6: to signal a message 
   with a light  1: to cause to open and shut  2: to affect or influence by or 
   as if by blinking the eyes K implies rapid, light, and usu. involuntary 
   motion; BLINK commonly implies a slower closing and opening that may 
   suggest a dazzled or dazed state or a struggle against drowsiness; in 
   figurative use WINK implies connivance or indulgence, BLINK suggests 
   evasion or shirking SYN syn WINK, BLINK mean to close and open one's 
   eyelids. WIN 
2. wink n 1: a brief period of sleep : NAP  2a: a hint or sign given by 
   winking  2b: an act of winking  3: the time of a wink : INSTANT  4: a 
   flicker of the eyelids : BLINK