Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fetch \'fech\ vb [ME fecchen, fr. OE fetian, feccan; akin to OE 
   fo-t]foot - more at FOOT 1a: to go or come after and bring or take back  
   1b: DERIVE, DEDUCE  2a: to cause to come  2b: to bring in (as a price) : 
   REALIZE  2c: INTEREST, ATTRACT  3a: to give (a blow) by striking : DEAL  
   chiefly dial  3b: to bring about : ACCOMPLISH  3c1: to take in (as a 
   breath) : DRAW  3c2: to bring forth (as a sound) : HEAVE {~ a sigh}  4a: to 
   reach by sailing esp. against the wind or tide  4b: to arrive at : REACH  
   1: to get and bring something; specif : to retrieve killed game  2: to take 
   a roundabout way : CIRCLE  3a: to hold a course on a body of water  3b: 
   VEER  - fetch.er n
2. fetch n 1: an act or instance of fetching  2: TRICK, STRATAGEM 
3. fetch n [origin unknown] 1: DOPPELGA Ger  2: GHOST