Webster's English Dictionary

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1. squash \'skwa:sh, 'skwo.sh\ vb [MF esquasser, fr. (assumed) VL 
   exquassare, fr. L ex- + qu]assare to shake - more at QUASH 1: to press or 
   beat into a pulp or a flat mass : CRUSH  2: to put down : SUPPRESS {~ a 
   revolt}  1: to flatten out under pressure or impact  2: to proceed with a 
   splashing or squelching sound  3: SQUEEZE, PRESS {four of us ~ed into the 
   seat)> - squash.er n
2. squash n obs  1: something soft and easily crushed  2: the sudden fall 
   of a heavy soft body or the sound of such a fall  3: a squelching sound 
   made by walking on oozy ground or in water-soaked boo ts 4: a crushed mass  
   Brit  5: a drink of the sweetened juice of a citrus fruit usu. with added 
   soda wa ter 6: SQUASH RACQUETS 
3. squash av : with a squash or a squashing sound 
4. squash n or squash.es or squash [by shortening & alter. fr. earlier 
   isquoutersquash, fr. Natick & Narraga] pl nset asku`tasquash : any of 
   various fruits of plants (genus Cucurbita) of the gourd fam ily widely 
   cultivated as vegetables and for livestock feed; also : a vine or other 
   plant that bears squashes