Webster's English Dictionary

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1. turn.over \'t*r-.no--v*r\ n 1: an act or result of turning over : UPSET  
   2: a turning from one side, place, or direction to its opposite : SHIF T, 
   REVERSAL 3: a reorganization with a view to a shift in personnel : SHAKE-UP 
    4: something that is turned over  5: a filled pastry made by turning half 
   of the crust over the other half  6: the amount of business done; esp : the 
   volume of shares traded o n a stock exchange 7a: movement (as of goods or 
   people) into, through, and out of a place  7b: a cycle of purchase, sale, 
   and replacement of a stock of goods; also  : the ratio of sales for a 
   stated period to average inventory 7c: the number of persons hired within a 
   period to replace those leaving or  dropped from a working force; also : 
   the ratio of this number to the number in the average force maintained
2. turn.over \.t*r-.no--v*r\ aj : capable of being turned over : TURNDOWN