Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. delay                 
1. lag \'lag\ vb or lagged;  or lag.ging [prob. of Scand origin; akin to 
   Norw lagga to go slowly] 1a: to stay or fall behind : LINGER, LOITER  1b: 
   to move, function, or develop with comparative slowness  1c: to become 
   retarded in attaining maximum value  2: to slacken or weaken gradually : 
   FLAG  3: to toss or roll a taw toward a line or a cue ball toward the head 
   cushi on to determine order of play 1: to lag behind {current that ~s the 
   voltage}  2: to pitch or shoot (as a coin or marble) at a mark  - lag.ger n
2. lag n 1: one that lags or is last  obs  2: the lowest class  3a: the 
   action or the condition of lagging  3b: comparative slowness or retardation 
    3c1: an amount of lagging or the time during which lagging continues  3c2: 
   a space of time esp. between related events or phenomena : INTERV AL 4: the 
   action of lagging for opening shot (as in marbles or billiards) 
3. lag aj : LAST, HINDMOST 
4. lag vt or lagged;  or lag.ging [origin unknown] slang  1: to transport 
   for crime or send to jail  slang  2: ARREST 
5. lag n slang  1a: a person transported for crime  1b: CONVICT  1c: 
   EX-CONVICT  slang  2: a jail sentence : STRETCH 
6. lag n [prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON lo:gg rim of a barrel] 1: a 
   barrel stave  2: a stave or slat forming part of a covering for a 
   cylindrical object 
7. lag vt or lagged;  or lag.ging : to cover or provide with lags