Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fist                  
1. in.dex \'in-.deks\ \-d*-.se-z\ \in-'dek-si-k*l\ n or in.dex.es or 
   in.di.ces [L indic-, index, fr. indicare to indicate] pl  1: a guide (as a 
   table, file, or series of notches cut in the fore edge of  a book) for 
   facilitating reference; esp : a usu. alphabetical list of items (as topics 
   or names) treated in a printed work that gives with each item the page 
   number where it may be found 2: something that serves as a pointer or 
   indicator  3: something that indicates or discloses : TOKEN  4: a list of 
   restricted or prohibited material; specif, cap :  a list of books the 
   reading of which is prohibited or restricted for Roman Catholics by the 
   church authorities pl usu indices  5: a number or symbol or expression (as 
   an exponent) associated with anothe r to indicate a mathematical operation 
   or use or position in an arrangement or expansion 6: a character <fist> 
   used to direct particular attention to a note or  paragraph 7a: a ratio or 
   other number derived from a series of observations and used  as an 
   indicator or measure (as of a condition, property, or phenomenon); specif : 
   INDEX NUMBER 7b: the ratio of one dimension of a thing (as an anatomical 
   structure) to a nother dimension - in.dex.i.cal aj
2. index vt 1a: to provide with an index  1b: to list in an index  2: to 
   serve as an index of  : to index something  - in.dex.er n