1. col.lar \'ka:l-*r\ \-*r-l*s\ n [ME coler, fr. OF, fr. L collare, fr.
collum neck; akin to ON] & OHG hals neck, OE hwe-ol wheel - more at WHEEL
1: a band, strip, or chain worn around the neck : as 1a: a band that
serves to finish or decorate the neckline of a garment 1b: a short
necklace 1c: a band about the neck of an animal 1d: a part of the harness
of draft animals fitted over the shoulders and ta king strain when a load
is drawn 2: something resembling a collar in shape or use (as a ring or
round flange to restrain motion or hold something in place) 3: any of
various animal structures or markings likened to a collar - col.lar.less
2. collar vt 1a: to seize by the collar or neck 1b: CAPTURE, GRAB 1c: to
get control of : PREEMPT 2: to put a collar on