Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hack \'hak\ vb [ME hakken, fr. OE -haccian; akin to OHG haccho-n to 
   hack,] OE ho-c hook 1a: to cut with repeated irregular or unskillful blows  
   1b: to sever with repeated blows  2: to clear by cutting away vegetation  
   3: to kick the shins of (an opposing player) in rugby  1: to make cutting 
   blows or rough cuts : CHOP  2: to cough in a short dry manner  3a: to kick 
   at a rugby opponent's shins deliberately  3b: to strike or hold the arm of 
   a basketball opponent with the hand  - hack.er n
2. hack n 1: an implement for hacking  2: NICK, NOTCH; esp : a blaze cut in 
   a tree  3: a short dry cough  4: a hacking blow  5: a kick on the shins in 
   rugby  6: restriction to quarters as punishment for naval officers 
3. hack n [short for hackney] 1a1: a horse let out for common hire  1a2: a 
   horse used in all kinds of work  1b: a horse worn out in service : JADE  
   1c: a light easy saddle horse; esp : a three-gaited saddle horse  2a: 
   HACKNEY  2b1: TAXICAB  2b2: CABDRIVER  3: one who forfeits individual 
   freedom of action or professional integrity  in exchange for wages or other 
   assured reward; esp : a writer who works mainly for hire
4. hack aj 1: working for hire  2: performed by, suited to, or 
   characteristic of a hack  3: HACKNEYED, TRITE 
5. hack vt 1: to make trite and commonplace by frequent and indiscriminate 
   use  2: to use as a hack  1: to ride or drive at an ordinary place or over 
   the roads as distinguishe d from racing or riding across country 2: to 
   operate a taxicab