Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tal.ly \'tal-e-\ n [ME talye, fr. ML talea, tallia, fr. L talea twig, 
   cutt]ing - more at TAILOR 1: a device for visibly recording or accounting 
   esp. business transactions  : as 1a: a wooden rod notched with marks 
   representing numbers and split lengthwi se through the notches so that each 
   of two parties may have a record of a transaction and of the amount due or 
   paid 1b: any of various bookkeeping forms or sheets  1c: a mechanical 
   counter held in the hand and operated with a button or lev er 2a: a 
   reckoning or recorded account  2b: a score or point made (as in a game)  
   3a: a part that corresponds to an opposite or companion member : COMPL 
   EMENT 3b: CORRESPONDENCE, AGREEMENT  4a: a usu. specified number or lot 
   taken as a whole  4b: a number or division used as a unit of computation  
   4c: the last of a specified unit or number 
2. tally vt 1a: to mark on or as if on a tally : TABULATE  1b: to list or 
   check off (as a cargo) by items  1c: to register (as a score) in a contest  
   2: to make a count of : RECKON  3: to cause to correspond  1a: to make a 
   tally by or as if by tabulating  1b: to register a point in a contest :