Webster's English Dictionary

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apron \'a--pr*n, -p*rn\ n [ME, alter. (resulting fr. incorrect division of 
   a napron) of napron often attrib X, fr. MF naperon, dim. of nape cloth, 
   modif. of L mappa napkin - more at MAP 1: a garment usu. of cloth, plastic, 
   or leather usu. tied onto the front of  the body with strings around the 
   waist and used to protect clothing or adorn a costume 2: something that 
   suggests or resembles an apron in shape, position, or use  : as 2a: the 
   lower member under the sill of the interior casing of a window  2b: an 
   upward or downward vertical extension of a sink or lavatory  2c: a piece of 
   waterproof cloth spread out (as before the seat of a vehicle) as a 
   protection from rain or mud 2d: a covering (as of sheet metal) for 
   protecting parts of machinery  2e: an endless belt for carrying material  
   2f: an extensive fan-shaped deposit of detritus  2g: the part of the stage 
   in front of the proscenium arch  2h: the area along the waterfront edge of 
   a pier or wharf  2i: a shield (as of concrete, planking, or brushwood) 
   along the bank of a river, along a sea wall, or below a dam 2j: the 
   extensive paved part of an airport immediately adjacent to the terminal 
   area or hangars