Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tag \'tag\ n [ME tagge, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Sw tagg barb] 1: 
   a loose hanging piece of cloth : TATTER  2: a metal or plastic binding on 
   an end of a shoelace  3: a piece of hanging or attached material; specif : 
   a loop, knot,  or tassel on a garment 4a1: a brief quotation used for 
   rhetorical emphasis or sententious effect  4a2: a hackneyed saying : CLICHE 
    4b: a recurrent or characteristic verbal expression  5a: a cardboard, 
   plastic, or metal marker used for identification or classi fication 5b: a 
   descriptive or identifying epithet  6: a small piece of tinsel or other 
   bright material around the shank of the  hook at the end of the body of an 
   artificial fly 7: a detached fragmentary piece : VESTIGE 
2. tag vb or tagged;  or tag.ging 1: to provide or mark with or as if with 
   a tag : as  1a: to supply with an identifying marker  1b: to provide with a 
   name or epithet : IDENTIFY  1c: to put a ticket on for a traffic violation  
   2: to attach as an addition : APPEND  3: to follow closely and persistently 
    4: to hold responsible for something; esp : to charge with violati ng the 
   law 5: LABEL  : to keep close 
3. tag n [origin unknown] 1: a game in which one player chases others and 
   tries to make one of them i t by touching him 2: an act or instance of 
   tagging a runner in baseball 
4. tag vt or tagged;  or tag.ging 1a: to touch in or as if in a game of tag 
    1b: to put out (a runner in baseball) by a touch with the ball or the glov 
   ed hand containing the ball 2: to hit solidly : STRIKE  3: SELECT